Room and Building Decontamination
Start-to-finish process (excluding biological validation) in less than 24 hours with Chlorine Dioxide (a true gas).
- We have over 25 years with more than 120 safely executed space decons
- Full interactive analysis of space prior to decontamination to ensure that the process is
- Necessary
- Appropriate
- Complete, and
- Safe
- DRS Laboratories’ validated In-Line Decon Cart, allows simultaneous decontamination of exhaust HEPA filter banks and room exhaust ductwork.
- Simultaneous decontamination of biological safety cabinets, incubators and other devices within the space
- Routine Biological validation is performed with 106 B.atrophaeus biological indicators
- ATCC#9372, formerly B.subtilus
- Validation is by the log reduction method, not via “Go/NoGo”
DRS can perform a “Mock” decontamination using the entire process (start to finish) excluding chlorine dioxide gas
- Verify appropriate lab sealing prior to a subsequent decontamination.
- Verify sealability of a space following new construction.